Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Birthdays Party!

This weekend was Calyn's birthdays. Yep! Birthdays. We had the 9pm-Saturday-night-giant-banana-split-ice-cream-potluck-so-you-think-your-birthday's-over Fake Birthday...and the 4pm-Sunday-afternoon-come-over-for-a-swim-because-we're-moving-soon-SURPRISE!-all-your-friends-are-here-for-your-birthday BBQ Swim Party Potluck birthday!

I don't have the photos from the first party. (Calyn will get them to me, right?) But here are two photos from the 2nd party that I put up. One is a present that she got and the other is the ultra-fabulous-I'll-just-throw-something-together-because-I-don't-have-much-time Dorie Cake that Dorie made! Calyn's favorite! The berries were amazing! I just kept stealing them off the top!

We are going to be having Dorie wedding cake soon enough!

I spent all day today finalizing the honeymoon plans! It's going to be amazing. Can't want till I have pictures to put up after that. It's going to be beautiful!

Here's to celebrating things!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mountain's Spring

These are the Dogwoods that grow in the mountains of Arrowhead Lake where we visited my mother last weekend for Mother's Day. This symbolizes a couple of different things I have wanted to improve upon, photography and the names of plants. I've always wanted to know the names of many different types of plants; to be one of those people who walks through a botanical garden and can call out the names of flowers and foliage from the top of my head. This is a Dogwood Tree.

As in photography, I am always drawn to rays of light creating patterns upon the lens of my camera. Also the sunbeams visually appearing through clouds and trees. Beautiful!
This flower... I am unsure of its name - perhaps someone out there can enlighten us... - but isn't the color purple amazing. So majestic and regal. I think purple is one of those overlooked colors sometimes. I don't see enough of it. My friend, Pam, is surrounded in it. Whenever I visit her I fall in love with the color all over again. She knows its feeling and purpose and I am always reminded again to appreciate it. Let's take a moment to celebrate Purple!
Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Salad Salvation! (keeping hope alive...)

I have a plump, delicious tomato dangling from the stem of a plant I thought I'd all but killed last winter.

I have been so proud of this one in that it is the largest Roma to grow on the vine to date and it even has yet to turn color.

Two evenings ago, I came home in the darkness and dust of a blustery wind that whipped through the mountain channel at the edge of the Santa Clarita mountains.

I came to my porch to discover that my tomato stem had been wholly blown over!

I was sure it was a goner! And before I got to see the little thing to the salad platter!

But as you can see, it is still alive and fertile as ever! I staked the stem with a white craft stick and some twisting wire and it is stronger than ever before!

Yes, my black thumb days are behind me! I plan for a verdant and fertile garden this summer of delectable veggies and herbs!

A New Green Thumb

I have been a killer of plant life.

Plant life of all sorts... I've killed hydrangeas and rosemary, basil plants and orchids, miniature roses, thyme and lavender.

The list goes on...

Now I am happy to announce that I have sworn off the black thumb of my past!

I live in a renewed resolve to be the true keeper of the wildlife that resides in my abode.

I have a brand new and brilliant strawberry plant that is prime with 40+ blossoming strawberry fruits, growing on my porch.

A new era has begun!

Life Theory - An Intro

My Life...in little ways...

It has become my mission now to live my life in little ways. To move, everyday, a step closer to who I wish to be. To not put things on hold, but to live my life in patience, working every day to become the person I am inside.