Friday, May 8, 2009

Salad Salvation! (keeping hope alive...)

I have a plump, delicious tomato dangling from the stem of a plant I thought I'd all but killed last winter.

I have been so proud of this one in that it is the largest Roma to grow on the vine to date and it even has yet to turn color.

Two evenings ago, I came home in the darkness and dust of a blustery wind that whipped through the mountain channel at the edge of the Santa Clarita mountains.

I came to my porch to discover that my tomato stem had been wholly blown over!

I was sure it was a goner! And before I got to see the little thing to the salad platter!

But as you can see, it is still alive and fertile as ever! I staked the stem with a white craft stick and some twisting wire and it is stronger than ever before!

Yes, my black thumb days are behind me! I plan for a verdant and fertile garden this summer of delectable veggies and herbs!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chelsea. Bill just put a couple of tomatoe plants in a few days ago. Hope we're as good at gardening as you are. (Laura)
